Within Temptation - Covered By Roses (lyric video)

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  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - 3月27日、250を投稿しました。Googleだけでは検索に載らないため他に有料ブログnaritaetukohonnyaku.comを作り同じ投稿をしています。日本のブログにも同様に投稿しています。金次第か?と思いはしますが。今日はNetにはつながっています、しかしGoogleのサイト以外にはつながらず、他の二つ...
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  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - XⅢ ここに僕が当時書いた手紙からの抜粋がある。僕は場所の名前を復元した、僕達はそれに触れることを禁じられた:ー 5月21日、1915。ラ・ブアスと呼ばれた石炭‐採掘村の兵士宿舎に戻る。それは前線から3マイル以上はないが、坑夫は今なお働いている。僕達が塹壕から遠のくにつれ...
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There's No Business Like Show Business / Irving Berlin翻訳一日目

Nathan Lane - "There's No Business Like Show Business" 

There's No Business Like Show Business
Irving Berlin

[1st verse:]
The cowboys, the wrestlers, the tumblers, the clowns
The roustabouts that move the show at dawn
The music, the spotlight, the people, the towns
Your baggage with the labels pasted on
The sawdust and the horses and the smell
The towel you've taken from the last hotel

[1st refrain:]
There's no business like show business
Like no business I know

Ev'rything about it is appealing
Ev'rything the traffic will allow
Nowhere could you have that happy feeling
When you are stealing that extra bow

There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low

Yesterday they told you you would not go far
That night you open and there you are
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star
Let's go on with the show

[2nd verse:]
The costumes, the scenery, the make-up, the props
The audience that lifts you when you're down
The headaches, the heartaches, the backaches, the flops
The sheriff who escorts you out of town
The op'ning when your heart beats like a drum
The closing when the customers won't come

[2nd refrain:]
There's no business like show business
Like no business I know

You get word before the show has started
That your fav'rite uncle died at dawn
'Top of that your ma and pa have parted
You're broken-hearted but you go on

There's no people like show people
They don't run out of dough

Angels come from everywhere with lots of jack
And when you lose it there's no attack
Where could you get money that you don't give back?
Let's go on with the show

[3rd refrain:]
There's no business like show business
If you tell me it's so

Trav'ling thro' the country will be thrilling
Standing out in front on opening nights
Smiling as you watch the benches filling
And see your billing out there in lights

There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low

Even with a turkey that you know will fold
You may be stranded out in the cold
Still you wouldn't 'change for a sack of gold
Let's go on with the show
Let's go on with the show

There's no business like show business
Like no business I know

All made up and soon you'll be appearing
Ev'ry bit of nervousness is gone
Then the sound that's music to your hearing
To hear them cheering when you come on

There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low

How I wish the folks at home could only see
What's come to Annie, how proud they'd be
Gettin' paid for doin' what comes natur'lly
Let's go on with the show

[Alternate Verse:]
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Are secretly unhappy men because
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Get paid for what they do but no applause
They'd gladly bid their dreary jobs good-bye
For anything theatrical and why

[Alternate lines:]
How you worried using half the night up
Waiting 'til the morning papers came
What a moment when your face will light up
To see the write-up and see your name

Everything inside you starts to shake up
When your picture in the news appears
And the thrill each morning when you wake up
With daubs of make-up behind your ears

[Alternate version written for Mary Martin
When she played Dallas, Texas, in 1955:]
There's no business like show business
Like no business I know

Playing Broadway at the famous Palace
Don't compare with this, it's simply grand.
Ask me how I feel to be in Dallas;
Like little Alice in Wonderland.

There's no people like show people,
They smile when they are low.

Who'd have thought when I was on my mother's knee
I'd be in Texas? But here I be
Gettin' paid for doin' what comes natur'lly:
Let's go on with the show.

23:16 2014/12/14日曜日