Within Temptation - Covered By Roses (lyric video)

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  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - XⅢ ここに僕が当時書いた手紙からの抜粋がある。僕は場所の名前を復元した、僕達はそれに触れることを禁じられた:ー 5月21日、1915。ラ・ブアスと呼ばれた石炭‐採掘村の兵士宿舎に戻る。それは前線から3マイル以上はないが、坑夫は今なお働いている。僕達が塹壕から遠のくにつれ...
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India’s Eternal Inequality1/AATISH TASEER翻訳

The New York Times
The Opinion Pages
India’s Eternal Inequality
Contributing Op-Ed Writer

NEW DELHI ? It is one thing to have a theoretical knowledge of caste. It is quite another to see it in action. A few months ago, I was given a small, relatively benign glimpse into how this idea of spiritual purity actually affects people’s lives in India.

21:47 2016/10/13木

I was in Varanasi, India’s most sacred city, conducting research for a book about Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the Hindu hierarchy. I was speaking at length to a young student who, like his Brahmin ancestors, was steeped in the study of Sanskrit and the Veda. One day, we drove together to the village where he came from. Our driver on this five-hour journey was a voluble man from the neighboring state of Bihar. Along the way, the driver, the student and I chatted amicably, but as we neared the Brahmin village, our dynamics swiftly changed.

My father was Muslim, and since religion in India is patrilineal, my presence in the Brahmin household should have been an unspeakable defilement. But it wasn’t. I belong to India’s English-speaking upper class and, in the eyes of my host, I was exempt from the rules of caste. As we approached the village, he did make one small adjustment: He stopped calling me by my conspicuously Muslim name, and rechristened me Nitish, a Hindu name.

The visit was going well. But, as evening fell, and we finished dinner with my Brahmin host and his parents, a terrific tension came over the household. Unbeknown to me, the family had made an extraordinary exception: They had allowed the driver, who was of a peasant caste called Yadav, lower in the hierarchy, to eat with us, in their house, using their plates. But now there was something they absolutely could not do.
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“I can wash your plate,” my host whispered to me. Then, gesturing to the driver, he said: “But I cannot wash his. If people in the village find out, it will become difficult for us.” By the rules of caste, a vessel that has come into contact with the saliva of another person is contaminated. At that point, it cannot be handled by someone whose status is higher than that of the eater. My host wanted me to make this clear to the driver.