Within Temptation - Covered By Roses (lyric video)

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  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - 3月27日、250を投稿しました。Googleだけでは検索に載らないため他に有料ブログnaritaetukohonnyaku.comを作り同じ投稿をしています。日本のブログにも同様に投稿しています。金次第か?と思いはしますが。今日はNetにはつながっています、しかしGoogleのサイト以外にはつながらず、他の二つ...
    1 週間前
  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - XⅢ ここに僕が当時書いた手紙からの抜粋がある。僕は場所の名前を復元した、僕達はそれに触れることを禁じられた:ー 5月21日、1915。ラ・ブアスと呼ばれた石炭‐採掘村の兵士宿舎に戻る。それは前線から3マイル以上はないが、坑夫は今なお働いている。僕達が塹壕から遠のくにつれ...
    1 週間前


Active Denial System (ADS)7翻訳

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月


21:34 2016/10/25火

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

21:42 2016/10/26水

ADSは、HMMWVハンヴィー( Humvee:High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle=高機動多用途装輪車両)から操従され、十分な軍事力と共に装備される見込みだ。ADSのその他への適用は、AC-130武装航空機ガンシップの発射台から空挺応用の為に装備される。開発計画は、更に能力を上げこの計画は、2008年終わりまで継続する予定である。

23:09 2016/10/27木

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target. As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

21:28 2016/10/28金

21:28 2016/10/29土

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin.
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a death of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

23:55 2016/10/31月

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.








23:33 2016/10/30日


Active Denial System (ADS)6翻訳

Active Denial System (ADS)

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月


21:34 2016/10/25火

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

21:42 2016/10/26水

ADSは、HMMWVハンヴィー( Humvee:High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle=高機動多用途装輪車両)から操従され、十分な軍事力と共に装備される見込みだ。ADSのその他への適用は、AC-130武装航空機ガンシップの発射台から空挺応用の為に装備される。開発計画は、更に能力を上げこの計画は、2008年終わりまで継続する予定である。

23:09 2016/10/27木

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target. As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

21:28 2016/10/28金


21:28 2016/10/29土

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin.
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a death of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.


Active Denial System (ADS)5翻訳

Active Denial System (ADS)

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月


21:34 2016/10/25火

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

21:42 2016/10/26水

ADSは、HMMWVハンヴィー( Humvee:High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle=高機動多用途装輪車両)から操従され、十分な軍事力と共に装備される見込みだ。ADSのその他への適用は、AC-130武装航空機ガンシップの発射台から空挺応用の為に装備される。開発計画は、更に能力を上げこの計画は、2008年終わりまで継続する予定である。

23:09 2016/10/27木

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target. As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

21:28 2016/10/28金

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Gina Chiaverotti)
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a depth of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.


Active Denial System (ADS)4翻訳

Active Denial System (ADS)

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月


21:34 2016/10/25火

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

21:42 2016/10/26水

ADSは、HMMWVハンヴィー( Humvee:High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle=高機動多用途装輪車両)から操従され、十分な軍事力と共に装備される見込みだ。ADSのその他への適用は、AC-130武装航空機ガンシップの発射台から空挺応用の為に装備される。開発計画は、更に能力を上げこの計画は、2008年終わりまで継続する予定である。

23:09 2016/10/27木

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target. As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Gina Chiaverotti)
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a depth of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.


Active Denial System (ADS)3翻訳

Active Denial System (ADS)

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月


21:34 2016/10/25火

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

21:42 2016/10/26水

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target (Photo: Defense Update)As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Gina Chiaverotti)
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a depth of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.


Active Denial System (ADS)2翻訳

Active Denial System (ADS)

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月


21:34 2016/10/25火

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target (Photo: Defense Update)As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Gina Chiaverotti)
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a depth of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.


Active Denial System (ADS)1翻訳

Active Denial System (ADS)

The ADS system was displayed by Raytheon at the AUSA Convention in October, 2006 (Photo: Defense Update)The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs is a non lethal, counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms. ADS projects a focused millimeter wave energy beam which induces intolerable heating sensation on an adversary's skin and cause that individual to be repelled without injury. ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without applying of lethal force.

22:29 2016/10/24月

ADS was developed by Raytheon company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. The program is currently in Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator (ACTD) phase, which is scheduled to continue through the end of 2005. ADS will be operated from HMMWV, equipped with adequate power sources. Another application of ADS is considered for airborne applications, from platforms such as the AC-130 gunship. The development program will use more powerful and lightweight version of the land based system. This project is scheduled to continue through 2008.

ADS is operated from a simple control console, enabling the operator to view the scene and beam's direction and coverage and aim precisely to acffect only the required target (Photo: Defense Update)As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. 820 is the first unit selected to conduct these tests. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal.

Airmen from the 820th Security Forces Group are currently evaluating the Active Denial System at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. ADS is a nonlethal weapon designed to engage and repel human targets by projecting a beam of energy that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Gina Chiaverotti)
ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy penetrates a living tissue (such as human skin) to a depth of 0.5 millimeter and almost instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee. The sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury.

Human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury.

LRAD and ADS systems are seen mounted on a the General Dynamics Land Systems' force protection Stryker testbed vehicle called "SHERIFF". LRAD is considered to provide, together with the active denial (RF Microwave) system, a non lethal protection segment, while the Trophy active protection system will provide the RPG protection for the vehicle.


If You Love Me (really Love Me)2/Brenda Lee翻訳

If You Love Me (really Love Me)
Brenda Lee
Piaf, Edith / Parsons, Geoffrey / Monnot, Marguerite

If the sun should tumble from the skies
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me really love me
Let It happen I won't care
If it seems that everything is lost
I will smile and never count the cost
If you love me really love me
Let it happen darling I won't care

Shall I catch a shooting star
shall I bring it where you are
If you want me to I will

20:02 2016/10/22土

You can set me any task I'll do anything you ask
If you only say you love me still
When at last our life on earth is through
I will share eternity with you
If you love me really love me
Let it happen I won't care
If you love me really love me
Let it happen I won't care

20:29 2016/10/23日


「あなたへ」(goo) 、「森へ行きましょう」(msn)は、私のブログの、一つは記事で、ーつは詩のテ一マ。
浜田真理子は、米子市民、松江市民を殺し、金品を盗んでYou Tube投稿、CD発売を繰り返しています。


If You Love Me (really Love Me)1/Brenda Lee翻訳

If You Love Me (really Love Me)
Brenda Lee
Piaf, Edith / Parsons, Geoffrey / Monnot, Marguerite

If the sun should tumble from the skies
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me really love me
Let It happen I won't care
If it seems that everything is lost
I will smile and never count the cost
If you love me really love me
Let it happen darling I won't care

Shall I catch a shooting star
shall I bring it where you are
If you want me to I will

20:02 2016/10/22土

You can set me any task I'll do anything you ask
If you only say you love me still
When at last our life on earth is through
I will share eternity with you
If you love me really love me let
It happen I won't care
If you love me really love me
Let it happen I won't care


「あなたへ」(goo) 、「森へ行きましょう」(msn)は、私のブログの、一つは記事で、ーつは詩のテ一マ。
浜田真理子は、米子市民、松江市民を殺し、金品を盗んでYou Tube投稿、CD発売を繰り返しています。


中川五郎Bob Dylanは誤訳!Simple Twist Of Fate6/Bob Dylan翻訳

Bob Dylanの歌は、戦争に匹敵する程の殺人、窃盗に授与されるノーベル賞を受けるに相応しい!
SoftBankもSonyも、戦争に匹敵する程の殺人、窃盗を犯し続けている会社で、焦って同類のBob Dylanの高価過ぎる訳詩付きCDを出しているが、全く価値がない。
Bob Dylanの曲が、皆似通って、MelodyともLythmとも言えないような風変わりな、つまらないものなのは、歌詞をずっと増やして儲けたいからである。

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan

They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate

They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember well
And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate

A saxophone someplace far off played
As she was walkin’ by the arcade
As the light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin’ up,
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

He woke up, the room was bare
He didn’t see her anywhere
He told himself he didn’t care, pushed the window open wide
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate

He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along with a parrot that talks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe she’ll pick him out again, how long must he wait
Once more for a simple twist of fate

People tell me it’s a sin
To know and feel too much within
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate

Sonyは、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞を記念して、中川五郎訳の翻訳本を出版します。
SonyとSoftbankは組んで、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞授賞を画策し、一儲けしようとしていますが、失敗!!です。

大型本: 1320ページ
出版社: ソフトバンククリエイティブ孫正義 (2005/10/29)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4797330724
ISBN-13: 978-4797330724
発売日: 2005/10/29

Simple Twist of Fate







21:13 2016/10/21金


中川五郎Bob Dylanは誤訳!Simple Twist Of Fate5/Bob Dylan翻訳

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan
They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate

They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember well
And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate

A saxophone someplace far off played
As she was walkin’ by the arcade
As the light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin’ up,
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

He woke up, the room was bare
He didn’t see her anywhere
He told himself he didn’t care, pushed the window open wide
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate

He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along with a parrot that talks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe she’ll pick him out again, how long must he wait
Once more for a simple twist of fate

People tell me it’s a sin
To know and feel too much within
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate

Sonyは、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞を記念して、中川五郎訳の翻訳本を出版します。
SonyとSoftbankは組んで、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞授賞を画策し、一儲けしようとしていますが、失敗!!です。

大型本: 1320ページ
出版社: ソフトバンククリエイティブ孫正義 (2005/10/29)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4797330724
ISBN-13: 978-4797330724
発売日: 2005/10/29

運命のひとひねり Simple Twist of Fate







21:59 2016/10/20木


中川五郎Bob Dylanは誤訳!Simple Twist Of Fate4/Bob Dylan翻訳

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan

They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate

They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember well
And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate

A saxophone someplace far off played
As she was walkin’ by the arcade
As the light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin’ up,
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

He woke up, the room was bare
He didn’t see her anywhere
He told himself he didn’t care, pushed the window open wide
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate

He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along with a parrot that talks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe she’ll pick him out again, how long must he wait
Once more for a simple twist of fate

People tell me it’s a sin
To know and feel too much within
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate

Copyright c 1974 by Ram's Horn Music; renewed 2002 by Ram’s Horn Music

Sonyは、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞を記念して、中川五郎訳の翻訳本を出版します。
SonyとSoftbankは組んで、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞授賞を画策し、一儲けしようとしていますが、失敗!!です。

大型本: 1320ページ
出版社: ソフトバンククリエイティブ孫正義 (2005/10/29)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4797330724
ISBN-13: 978-4797330724
発売日: 2005/10/29

運命のひとひねり Simple Twist of Fate







20:01 2016/10/19水


中川五郎Bob Dylanは誤訳!Simple Twist Of Fate3/Bob Dylan翻訳

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan

They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate

They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember well
And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate

A saxophone someplace far off played
As she was walkin’ by the arcade
As the light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin’ up,
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

He woke up, the room was bare
He didn’t see her anywhere
He told himself he didn’t care, pushed the window open wide
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate

He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along with a parrot that talks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe she’ll pick him out again, how long must he wait
Once more for a simple twist of fate

People tell me it’s a sin
To know and feel too much within
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate

Copyright c 1974 by Ram's Horn Music; renewed 2002 by Ram’s Horn Music

Sonyは、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞を記念して、中川五郎訳の翻訳本を出版します。
SonyとSoftbankは組んで、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞授賞を画策し、一儲けしようとしていますが、失敗!!です。

大型本: 1320ページ
出版社: ソフトバンククリエイティブ孫正義 (2005/10/29)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4797330724
ISBN-13: 978-4797330724
発売日: 2005/10/29

運命のひとひねり Simple Twist of Fate







22:44 2016/10/18火


中川五郎Bob Dylanは誤訳!Simple Twist Of Fate2/Bob Dylan翻訳

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan

They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate

They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember well
And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate

A saxophone someplace far off played
As she was walkin’ by the arcade
As the light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin’ up,
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

He woke up, the room was bare
He didn’t see her anywhere
He told himself he didn’t care, pushed the window open wide
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate

He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along with a parrot that talks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe she’ll pick him out again, how long must he wait
Once more for a simple twist of fate

People tell me it’s a sin
To know and feel too much within
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate

Copyright c 1974 by Ram's Horn Music; renewed 2002 by Ram’s Horn Music

Sonyは、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞を記念して、中川五郎訳の翻訳本を出版します。
SonyとSoftbankは組んで、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞授賞を画策し、一儲けしようとしていますが、失敗!!です。

大型本: 1320ページ
出版社: ソフトバンククリエイティブ孫正義 (2005/10/29)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4797330724
ISBN-13: 978-4797330724
発売日: 2005/10/29

運命のひとひねり Simple Twist of Fate







23:09 2016/10/16日


中川五郎Bob Dylanは誤訳!Simple Twist Of Fate/Bob Dylan翻訳

Simple Twist Of Fate
Written by: Bob Dylan

They sat together in the park
As the evening sky grew dark
She looked at him and he felt a spark tingle to his bones
’Twas then he felt alone and wished that he’d gone straight
And watched out for a simple twist of fate

They walked along by the old canal
A little confused, I remember well
And stopped into a strange hotel with a neon burnin’ bright
He felt the heat of the night hit him like a freight train
Moving with a simple twist of fate

A saxophone someplace far off played
As she was walkin’ by the arcade
As the light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin’ up,
She dropped a coin into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

He woke up, the room was bare
He didn’t see her anywhere
He told himself he didn’t care, pushed the window open wide
Felt an emptiness inside to which he just could not relate
Brought on by a simple twist of fate

He hears the ticking of the clocks
And walks along with a parrot that talks
Hunts her down by the waterfront docks where the sailors all come in
Maybe she’ll pick him out again, how long must he wait
Once more for a simple twist of fate

People tell me it’s a sin
To know and feel too much within
I still believe she was my twin, but I lost the ring
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate

Copyright © 1974 by Ram's Horn Music; renewed 2002 by Ram’s Horn Music

Sonyは、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞を記念して、中川五郎訳の翻訳本を出版します。
SonyとSoftbankは組んで、Bob Dylanのノ一べル賞授賞を画策し、一儲けしようとしていますが、失敗!!です。

大型本: 1320ページ
出版社: ソフトバンククリエイティブ孫正義 (2005/10/29)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4797330724
ISBN-13: 978-4797330724
発売日: 2005/10/29

運命のひとひねり Simple Twist of Fate







23:09 2016/10/16日


India’s Eternal Inequality/ AATISH TASEER 翻訳

The New York Times
The Opinion Pages
India’s Eternal Inequality
Contributing Op-Ed Writer

NEW DELHI ? It is one thing to have a theoretical knowledge of caste. It is quite another to see it in action. A few months ago, I was given a small, relatively benign glimpse into how this idea of spiritual purity actually affects people’s lives in India.

21:47 2016/10/13木

I was in Varanasi, India’s most sacred city, conducting research for a book about Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the Hindu hierarchy. I was speaking at length to a young student who, like his Brahmin ancestors, was steeped in the study of Sanskrit and the Veda. One day, we drove together to the village where he came from. Our driver on this five-hour journey was a voluble man from the neighboring state of Bihar. Along the way, the driver, the student and I chatted amicably, but as we neared the Brahmin village, our dynamics swiftly changed.

19:57 2016/10/14金


22:15 2016/10/15土

My father was Muslim, and since religion in India is patrilineal, my presence in the Brahmin household should have been an unspeakable defilement. But it wasn’t. I belong to India’s English-speaking upper class and, in the eyes of my host, I was exempt from the rules of caste. As we approached the village, he did make one small adjustment: He stopped calling me by my conspicuously Muslim name, and rechristened me Nitish, a Hindu name.

The visit was going well. But, as evening fell, and we finished dinner with my Brahmin host and his parents, a terrific tension came over the household. Unbeknown to me, the family had made an extraordinary exception: They had allowed the driver, who was of a peasant caste called Yadav, lower in the hierarchy, to eat with us, in their house, using their plates. But now there was something they absolutely could not do.
Continue reading the main story

“I can wash your plate,” my host whispered to me. Then, gesturing to the driver, he said: “But I cannot wash his. If people in the village find out, it will become difficult for us.” By the rules of caste, a vessel that has come into contact with the saliva of another person is contaminated. At that point, it cannot be handled by someone whose status is higher than that of the eater. My host wanted me to make this clear to the driver.


India’s Eternal Inequality2/AATISH TASEER 翻訳

The New York Times
The Opinion Pages
India’s Eternal Inequality
Contributing Op-Ed Writer

NEW DELHI ? It is one thing to have a theoretical knowledge of caste. It is quite another to see it in action. A few months ago, I was given a small, relatively benign glimpse into how this idea of spiritual purity actually affects people’s lives in India.

21:47 2016/10/13木

I was in Varanasi, India’s most sacred city, conducting research for a book about Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the Hindu hierarchy. I was speaking at length to a young student who, like his Brahmin ancestors, was steeped in the study of Sanskrit and the Veda. One day, we drove together to the village where he came from. Our driver on this five-hour journey was a voluble man from the neighboring state of Bihar. Along the way, the driver, the student and I chatted amicably, but as we neared the Brahmin village, our dynamics swiftly changed.

19:57 2016/10/14金

My father was Muslim, and since religion in India is patrilineal, my presence in the Brahmin household should have been an unspeakable defilement. But it wasn’t. I belong to India’s English-speaking upper class and, in the eyes of my host, I was exempt from the rules of caste. As we approached the village, he did make one small adjustment: He stopped calling me by my conspicuously Muslim name, and rechristened me Nitish, a Hindu name.

The visit was going well. But, as evening fell, and we finished dinner with my Brahmin host and his parents, a terrific tension came over the household. Unbeknown to me, the family had made an extraordinary exception: They had allowed the driver, who was of a peasant caste called Yadav, lower in the hierarchy, to eat with us, in their house, using their plates. But now there was something they absolutely could not do.
Continue reading the main story

“I can wash your plate,” my host whispered to me. Then, gesturing to the driver, he said: “But I cannot wash his. If people in the village find out, it will become difficult for us.” By the rules of caste, a vessel that has come into contact with the saliva of another person is contaminated. At that point, it cannot be handled by someone whose status is higher than that of the eater. My host wanted me to make this clear to the driver.


India’s Eternal Inequality1/AATISH TASEER翻訳

The New York Times
The Opinion Pages
India’s Eternal Inequality
Contributing Op-Ed Writer

NEW DELHI ? It is one thing to have a theoretical knowledge of caste. It is quite another to see it in action. A few months ago, I was given a small, relatively benign glimpse into how this idea of spiritual purity actually affects people’s lives in India.

21:47 2016/10/13木

I was in Varanasi, India’s most sacred city, conducting research for a book about Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the Hindu hierarchy. I was speaking at length to a young student who, like his Brahmin ancestors, was steeped in the study of Sanskrit and the Veda. One day, we drove together to the village where he came from. Our driver on this five-hour journey was a voluble man from the neighboring state of Bihar. Along the way, the driver, the student and I chatted amicably, but as we neared the Brahmin village, our dynamics swiftly changed.

My father was Muslim, and since religion in India is patrilineal, my presence in the Brahmin household should have been an unspeakable defilement. But it wasn’t. I belong to India’s English-speaking upper class and, in the eyes of my host, I was exempt from the rules of caste. As we approached the village, he did make one small adjustment: He stopped calling me by my conspicuously Muslim name, and rechristened me Nitish, a Hindu name.

The visit was going well. But, as evening fell, and we finished dinner with my Brahmin host and his parents, a terrific tension came over the household. Unbeknown to me, the family had made an extraordinary exception: They had allowed the driver, who was of a peasant caste called Yadav, lower in the hierarchy, to eat with us, in their house, using their plates. But now there was something they absolutely could not do.
Continue reading the main story

“I can wash your plate,” my host whispered to me. Then, gesturing to the driver, he said: “But I cannot wash his. If people in the village find out, it will become difficult for us.” By the rules of caste, a vessel that has come into contact with the saliva of another person is contaminated. At that point, it cannot be handled by someone whose status is higher than that of the eater. My host wanted me to make this clear to the driver.


東方経済フォーラム全体会合 安倍総理スピーチ2



東方経済フォーラム全体会合 安倍総理スピーチ



そこでプーチン大統領に、新しい提案をいたします。年に一度、ウラジオストクで会い、この8項目の進捗状況を、互いに確認しませんか。時にはタイガの原生林に入って、黒澤明監督が「デルス・ウザーラ」で撮った木々の木漏れ日に包まれながら、20年、30年先、日本とロシアはどんな関係にならねばならないかを考えましょう。   そのために、今何をなすべきか、日常を離れてゆっくり相談する機会を毎年持つという、そういう提案です。会場の皆様も、今拍手で、良い提案だと御賛同をいただいたと、このように思います。


Address by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the 2nd Eastern Economic Forum

Saturday, September 3, 2016

[Provisional translation]

Mr. Kevin Rudd, thank you for your kind introduction. President Park Geun-hye, it is an honour to see you again. And most of all, President Vladimir Putin, I am truly delighted at this, my first opportunity to set foot in Vladivostok, in response to your gracious invitation.

22:16 2016/10/11火

This time, of course I came here by airplane.

But this city has a port as its doorway, and it is often said that Vladivostok is even more stunning when seen from the sea. So, really, this is perhaps a city we should come visit by ship.

16:34 2016/10/12水

About a century ago, a visitor struck breathless at the scenery greeting him in the harbour penned the line, “One can scarcely conceive a more beautiful situation.” The writer was none other than the world-famous polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen.

There are some places I would really like to visit in this city.

I understand that if you head to Aleutskaya Street, you will find the house that was the birthplace of Yul Brynner, who won an Oscar for his work in “The King and I,” along with a statue memorializing him. I simply can’t miss out on a visit there.

And I have heard that Vasiliy Ochepkov, who, as President Putin knows very well, introduced Kodokan judo to Russia, instituted the first dojo -- that is, the first hall for practicing judo -- at Korabelnaya Street No. 21. I wonder if that building is also still with us today. I am saving all these sights for when I come again someday.

And I hope to make that “someday” a day in the not too distant future. Let me explain why later on in my remarks.

Every year in your annual address to the Federal Assembly, President Putin, you highlight the development of Russia’s Far East region as the most important factor for national development. By making Vladivostok a “free port” and setting it forth as a model, you hope to make other port cities into “free ports” as well.

I imagine you wish to restore the prestige Vladivostok enjoyed at one time as a truly international city.

That dream that President Putin holds is my dream as well. Mr. President, you are looking to make Vladivostok a gateway linking Eurasia and the Pacific, am I correct?

The Pacific Ocean is now poised to evolve into a free, fair, and open economic zone. The vast Eurasian land area lying beyond this city will provide further impetus to its dynamism. I am firmly convinced that the sparkle of Vladivostok will light up even the farthest reaches of the Pacific Ocean and give rise to enormous synergistic effects.

President Putin, when we met not long ago in Sochi, I presented you with an eight-bullet-point proposal in which I had narrowed down a list of fields where Japan can cooperate with Russia.

One of these was “creating cities that are clean and comfortable and easy to live and work in.” Am I right in saying there is no other city so suited as Vladivostok to serve as a model city for our two countries to carry this out?

Please do add Japan in to this task of cultivating Vladivostok to be a city convenient for its residents and brimming with appeal for its tourists, mixing modern motifs into the nostalgia-inducing pre-revolution architecture and the characteristic Soviet-era designs while taking full advantage of the unique beauty of the sea and the hills. I make this proposal in all earnestness. Let us make this a reality together, shall we not?


While preparing for this trip, I had the opportunity to look at Russia’s demographic statistics, and I couldn't help but be surprised.

Although close to 23 million people were born in the decade beginning in 1976, the current population aged 10 to 19 now falls short of 14 million. It was as if the statistics showing the number of people born in the decade beginning in 1996 were telling the tale of the difficulties Russia experienced in the late 1990’s.

As a rare occurrence even globally, Russia has been achieving a steady rise in its average life expectancy as well as increases in its population. With an increasing number of school-age children and an insufficient number of schools as a result, the reality which has emerged is enviable from the Japanese standpoint.

However, the working-age population will decrease remarkably in the years to come, and there will be a shift in the burden, concentrated on the people who are now in that 10-to-19 age bracket.

Just as they are entering the prime of life, the burden of medical care costs for the elderly will weigh heavily upon them. Taking notice of that, we put forth our proposal of “lengthening the healthy life expectancy of the Russian public by preparing state-of-the-art facilities for health and medical care” as the first of the eight items.

The issues Japan faces are similar indeed. In Japan, where we face an increasingly aging society alongside a falling birth-rate, a burden will fall upon the medical care and the pension system. We must hammer out wide-ranging policies and measures so that the members of our greying generation maintain their health. Therefore the concerns President Putin harbours about demographics are the very same concerns that I myself have.

President Putin, I imagine you are encouraging Russia’s teenagers to work hard going forward without flinching, because there are so many people in the older generation. The necessary encouragement for Japan’s youth is in fact one and the same.

However, there is no quick-acting remedy for this issue. What political leaders can do is to think of the destiny of the nation always over a long scale of 20 or 30 years. Once we have bravely faced the issues and hammered out creative policies, it is simply a matter of working tirelessly to bring them into execution without fail.

In saying this, I imagine that President Park will also nod her head in agreement. What should we do in order to have the young generation think that although the future may not become better immediately, we can certainly do better if only we work hard? I believe we have this as a challenge and also a worry we all share in common.


Ladies and gentlemen, there are only three means for bringing about economic growth. These are the renewal of capital stock, an increase in labour input, and gains in labour productivity. My economic policies known as “Abenomics” are now aiming to boost Japan’s growth by actively working on all three of these elements.

However, economists all agree in saying that what is more important than anything else for growth is the expectations of the public.

The basis for everything is people believing that tomorrow will be better than today.

For this reason, President Putin, first of all let you and me share in a strong conviction regarding the potential of the future that the closer cooperation between Japan and Russia will bring about.

The economies of Russia and Japan are not in rivalry. I am fully confident that ours is a relationship in which each complements the other in a magnificent way.

Let us envision a future in which we both grow, each providing stimulation to the other in both demand and supply aspects. And let us do everything necessary so that the people in both our countries entrust their bright futures to such a relationship.

For example, cooperation between small- and medium-sized enterprises is extremely promising. The development of energy resources and the expansion of their production capacity will be a prime example of creating a win-win situation.

Let us make the Far East Russia region a base for exports to Asia and the Pacific region while raising productivity by moving forward with the diversification of Russian industries and then taking full advantage of that. Shall we not move forward together in generating momentum for cooperation in advanced technologies and people-to-people exchanges -- in other words, in investing towards the future?

Given that, President Putin, I will present to you a new proposal. Let us meet once a year in Vladivostok to confirm with each other the state of progress of these eight points.

Let us occasionally enter the virgin taiga forest, get enveloped in the sunlight filtering through the trees that appeared in Akira Kurosawa’s Dersu Uzala, and together consider what kind of relations Japan and Russia must have 20 or 30 years into the future.

This is a proposal that every year we have an opportunity to move away from our daily obligations to have relaxed discussions about what we should do now to bring that about. Ladies and gentlemen in the audience, do you not think this is a good idea?

Most importantly, by doing so I will be able to come to Vladivostok every year.


To the Russian executives here in the audience, let me tell you that Japanese pile drivers were used in constructing the bridge you crossed to be here today. And it is Japanese-made gas turbines producing the electricity used in this hall.

I hope that all of you accumulate many experiences working together with Japanese companies at the earliest possible time.

It is no exaggeration to say that invariably, the manufacturing worksites of Japanese companies are staffed by workers putting their heart and soul into improving the efficiency of the production line. Calls to improve the system from the bottom reach the managers and designers.

This is how “kaizen,” which uses the wisdom of the workplace to reduce the number of defective goods while increasing safety and efficiency step by step, came to take root. It is a kind of ingenuity first developed at Japan’s worksites, which are not authoritarian but egalitarian.

In addition, in competitive markets, prices are determined by the markets themselves, not freely decided by the companies. In such circumstances, without sacrificing product quality, what should be done amidst competition, in order to ensure a profit and emerge a winner?

It is Japanese companies that, truly grounded in the technique of “kaizen,” found a solution of lowering costs and ensuring gross margins and shaved waste off of production.

Please don’t ask what is so special about that. Until Japanese companies showed the way, manufacturing things that were “both cheap and well-made” was thoroughly believed to be impossible. Professor Michael Porter of Harvard Business School has pointed that out.

Despite a large number of countries mastering this technique early on, that surge has still not arrived in Russia. Russia has not yet experienced the innovation in production ideology that arises through interacting intensely with Japanese companies.

President Putin, the road to becoming the manufacturing power you are aiming at has a proven shortcut. And that is partnering with Japanese companies, I can proclaim emphatically.


Vladimir, one big, big issue awaits you and me down the road.

I cannot help but say that it is an unnatural state of affairs that the important neighbors of Russia and Japan, which surely have unlimited potential, have to this day not yet concluded a peace treaty.

We stand here today shouldering our respective viewpoints on history, as well as our own particular public opinion and patriotic spirit. As the leader of Japan, I am firmly convinced of the correctness of the Japanese position, while you, Vladimir, as the leader of Russia, are entirely confident of the correctness of the Russian position.

Yet if we continue on like this, this very same discussion will continue for yet more decades to come. By leaving the situation as it is, neither you nor I will be able to leave better possibilities to future generations.

Vladimir, shall our generation not be the one to have the courage to fulfil our responsibilities? Shall our two countries, Japan and Russia, not overcome all manner of difficulties to leave to the young people of the next generation a world that makes those possibilities come into full bloom? Putting an end to the unnatural state of affairs that has continued these 70 years, shall we not together carve out a new era for Japan and Russia going forward?

Vladimir, in order to carve out towards the future bilateral relations overflowing with unlimited potential, I am resolved to putting forth all my strength to advance the relationship between Japan and Russia, together with you.


東方経済フォーラム全体会合 安倍総理スピーチ1

東方経済フォーラム全体会合 安倍総理スピーチ



そこでプーチン大統領に、新しい提案をいたします。年に一度、ウラジオストクで会い、この8項目の進捗状況を、互いに確認しませんか。時にはタイガの原生林に入って、黒澤明監督が「デルス・ウザーラ」で撮った木々の木漏れ日に包まれながら、20年、30年先、日本とロシアはどんな関係にならねばならないかを考えましょう。   そのために、今何をなすべきか、日常を離れてゆっくり相談する機会を毎年持つという、そういう提案です。会場の皆様も、今拍手で、良い提案だと御賛同をいただいたと、このように思います。



Address by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the 2nd Eastern Economic Forum

Saturday, September 3, 2016

[Provisional translation]

Mr. Kevin Rudd, thank you for your kind introduction. President Park Geun-hye, it is an honour to see you again. And most of all, President Vladimir Putin, I am truly delighted at this, my first opportunity to set foot in Vladivostok, in response to your gracious invitation.

22:16 2016/10/11火

This time, of course I came here by airplane.

But this city has a port as its doorway, and it is often said that Vladivostok is even more stunning when seen from the sea. So, really, this is perhaps a city we should come visit by ship.

About a century ago, a visitor struck breathless at the scenery greeting him in the harbour penned the line, “One can scarcely conceive a more beautiful situation.” The writer was none other than the world-famous polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen.

There are some places I would really like to visit in this city.

I understand that if you head to Aleutskaya Street, you will find the house that was the birthplace of Yul Brynner, who won an Oscar for his work in “The King and I,” along with a statue memorializing him. I simply can’t miss out on a visit there.

And I have heard that Vasiliy Ochepkov, who, as President Putin knows very well, introduced Kodokan judo to Russia, instituted the first dojo -- that is, the first hall for practicing judo -- at Korabelnaya Street No. 21. I wonder if that building is also still with us today. I am saving all these sights for when I come again someday.

And I hope to make that “someday” a day in the not too distant future. Let me explain why later on in my remarks.

Every year in your annual address to the Federal Assembly, President Putin, you highlight the development of Russia’s Far East region as the most important factor for national development. By making Vladivostok a “free port” and setting it forth as a model, you hope to make other port cities into “free ports” as well.

I imagine you wish to restore the prestige Vladivostok enjoyed at one time as a truly international city.

That dream that President Putin holds is my dream as well. Mr. President, you are looking to make Vladivostok a gateway linking Eurasia and the Pacific, am I correct?

The Pacific Ocean is now poised to evolve into a free, fair, and open economic zone. The vast Eurasian land area lying beyond this city will provide further impetus to its dynamism. I am firmly convinced that the sparkle of Vladivostok will light up even the farthest reaches of the Pacific Ocean and give rise to enormous synergistic effects.

President Putin, when we met not long ago in Sochi, I presented you with an eight-bullet-point proposal in which I had narrowed down a list of fields where Japan can cooperate with Russia.

One of these was “creating cities that are clean and comfortable and easy to live and work in.” Am I right in saying there is no other city so suited as Vladivostok to serve as a model city for our two countries to carry this out?

Please do add Japan in to this task of cultivating Vladivostok to be a city convenient for its residents and brimming with appeal for its tourists, mixing modern motifs into the nostalgia-inducing pre-revolution architecture and the characteristic Soviet-era designs while taking full advantage of the unique beauty of the sea and the hills. I make this proposal in all earnestness. Let us make this a reality together, shall we not?


While preparing for this trip, I had the opportunity to look at Russia’s demographic statistics, and I couldn't help but be surprised.

Although close to 23 million people were born in the decade beginning in 1976, the current population aged 10 to 19 now falls short of 14 million. It was as if the statistics showing the number of people born in the decade beginning in 1996 were telling the tale of the difficulties Russia experienced in the late 1990’s.

As a rare occurrence even globally, Russia has been achieving a steady rise in its average life expectancy as well as increases in its population. With an increasing number of school-age children and an insufficient number of schools as a result, the reality which has emerged is enviable from the Japanese standpoint.

However, the working-age population will decrease remarkably in the years to come, and there will be a shift in the burden, concentrated on the people who are now in that 10-to-19 age bracket.

Just as they are entering the prime of life, the burden of medical care costs for the elderly will weigh heavily upon them. Taking notice of that, we put forth our proposal of “lengthening the healthy life expectancy of the Russian public by preparing state-of-the-art facilities for health and medical care” as the first of the eight items.

The issues Japan faces are similar indeed. In Japan, where we face an increasingly aging society alongside a falling birth-rate, a burden will fall upon the medical care and the pension system. We must hammer out wide-ranging policies and measures so that the members of our greying generation maintain their health. Therefore the concerns President Putin harbours about demographics are the very same concerns that I myself have.

President Putin, I imagine you are encouraging Russia’s teenagers to work hard going forward without flinching, because there are so many people in the older generation. The necessary encouragement for Japan’s youth is in fact one and the same.

However, there is no quick-acting remedy for this issue. What political leaders can do is to think of the destiny of the nation always over a long scale of 20 or 30 years. Once we have bravely faced the issues and hammered out creative policies, it is simply a matter of working tirelessly to bring them into execution without fail.

In saying this, I imagine that President Park will also nod her head in agreement. What should we do in order to have the young generation think that although the future may not become better immediately, we can certainly do better if only we work hard? I believe we have this as a challenge and also a worry we all share in common.


Ladies and gentlemen, there are only three means for bringing about economic growth. These are the renewal of capital stock, an increase in labour input, and gains in labour productivity. My economic policies known as “Abenomics” are now aiming to boost Japan’s growth by actively working on all three of these elements.

However, economists all agree in saying that what is more important than anything else for growth is the expectations of the public.

The basis for everything is people believing that tomorrow will be better than today.

For this reason, President Putin, first of all let you and me share in a strong conviction regarding the potential of the future that the closer cooperation between Japan and Russia will bring about.

The economies of Russia and Japan are not in rivalry. I am fully confident that ours is a relationship in which each complements the other in a magnificent way.

Let us envision a future in which we both grow, each providing stimulation to the other in both demand and supply aspects. And let us do everything necessary so that the people in both our countries entrust their bright futures to such a relationship.

For example, cooperation between small- and medium-sized enterprises is extremely promising. The development of energy resources and the expansion of their production capacity will be a prime example of creating a win-win situation.

Let us make the Far East Russia region a base for exports to Asia and the Pacific region while raising productivity by moving forward with the diversification of Russian industries and then taking full advantage of that. Shall we not move forward together in generating momentum for cooperation in advanced technologies and people-to-people exchanges -- in other words, in investing towards the future?

Given that, President Putin, I will present to you a new proposal. Let us meet once a year in Vladivostok to confirm with each other the state of progress of these eight points.

Let us occasionally enter the virgin taiga forest, get enveloped in the sunlight filtering through the trees that appeared in Akira Kurosawa’s Dersu Uzala, and together consider what kind of relations Japan and Russia must have 20 or 30 years into the future.

This is a proposal that every year we have an opportunity to move away from our daily obligations to have relaxed discussions about what we should do now to bring that about. Ladies and gentlemen in the audience, do you not think this is a good idea?

Most importantly, by doing so I will be able to come to Vladivostok every year.


To the Russian executives here in the audience, let me tell you that Japanese pile drivers were used in constructing the bridge you crossed to be here today. And it is Japanese-made gas turbines producing the electricity used in this hall.

I hope that all of you accumulate many experiences working together with Japanese companies at the earliest possible time.

It is no exaggeration to say that invariably, the manufacturing worksites of Japanese companies are staffed by workers putting their heart and soul into improving the efficiency of the production line. Calls to improve the system from the bottom reach the managers and designers.

This is how “kaizen,” which uses the wisdom of the workplace to reduce the number of defective goods while increasing safety and efficiency step by step, came to take root. It is a kind of ingenuity first developed at Japan’s worksites, which are not authoritarian but egalitarian.

In addition, in competitive markets, prices are determined by the markets themselves, not freely decided by the companies. In such circumstances, without sacrificing product quality, what should be done amidst competition, in order to ensure a profit and emerge a winner?

It is Japanese companies that, truly grounded in the technique of “kaizen,” found a solution of lowering costs and ensuring gross margins and shaved waste off of production.

Please don’t ask what is so special about that. Until Japanese companies showed the way, manufacturing things that were “both cheap and well-made” was thoroughly believed to be impossible. Professor Michael Porter of Harvard Business School has pointed that out.

Despite a large number of countries mastering this technique early on, that surge has still not arrived in Russia. Russia has not yet experienced the innovation in production ideology that arises through interacting intensely with Japanese companies.

President Putin, the road to becoming the manufacturing power you are aiming at has a proven shortcut. And that is partnering with Japanese companies, I can proclaim emphatically.


Vladimir, one big, big issue awaits you and me down the road.

I cannot help but say that it is an unnatural state of affairs that the important neighbors of Russia and Japan, which surely have unlimited potential, have to this day not yet concluded a peace treaty.

We stand here today shouldering our respective viewpoints on history, as well as our own particular public opinion and patriotic spirit. As the leader of Japan, I am firmly convinced of the correctness of the Japanese position, while you, Vladimir, as the leader of Russia, are entirely confident of the correctness of the Russian position.

Yet if we continue on like this, this very same discussion will continue for yet more decades to come. By leaving the situation as it is, neither you nor I will be able to leave better possibilities to future generations.

Vladimir, shall our generation not be the one to have the courage to fulfil our responsibilities? Shall our two countries, Japan and Russia, not overcome all manner of difficulties to leave to the young people of the next generation a world that makes those possibilities come into full bloom? Putting an end to the unnatural state of affairs that has continued these 70 years, shall we not together carve out a new era for Japan and Russia going forward?

Vladimir, in order to carve out towards the future bilateral relations overflowing with unlimited potential, I am resolved to putting forth all my strength to advance the relationship between Japan and Russia, together with you.