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  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves バリ田悦子訳 - 僕は僕の同期生の誰に関しても、彼らが学校を出た後、名を上げるに決まっていると何時も予測した。戦争はこうした計算を狂わせた。多くの頭の鈍い男子らが手短で見事な軍歴を持った、特に航空‐戦闘員のように、飛行中隊、また飛行司令官と成って行きながら。「曖昧な」マクネア、学内首席はライフル銃兵としてヴィクトーリア十字勲章...
    17 時間前
  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - 僕は僕の同期生の誰に関しても、彼らが学校を出た後、名を上げるに決まっていると何時も予測した。戦争はこうした計算を狂わせた。多くの頭の鈍い男子らが手短で見事な軍歴を持った、特に航空‐戦闘員のように、飛行中隊、また飛行司令官と成って行きながら。「曖昧な」マクネア、学内首席はライ...
    2 日前


3Initial System Configurations12翻訳

3Initial System Configurations

The first ADS configuration consisted of a conex shipping container housing the
necessary components, with the antenna mounted on the roof. This system, known simply
as System 0, allowed for proof of concept testing that led to the ADS Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD). For demonstration and warfighter assessment
purposes, the ADS ACTD first integrated the millimeter wave beam into a hybrid-electric
version of the Highly Mobile Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), popularly known as a
“Humvee.” This technology demonstrator, referred to as System 1, is shown in figure 2.


22:35 2017/02/03金


23:16 2017/02/04土


22:49 2017/02/05日


21:56 2017/02/06月

The ADS ACTD and System 1 configuration were conceived prior to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. Recognizing the potential applications of this technology in
complex operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense provided additional funding
to the ADS ACTD to build System 2, which is armored, environmentally sealed, and
designed to operate between 0 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. System 2 is a containerized
design composed of two boxes that can be transported by, or operated from, a variety of tactical trucks. One box contains the components necessary to produce the directed
energy beam. The second box is a self-contained power generator unit and operator station.

22:20 2017/02/07火


20:33 2017/02/08水


21:39 2017/02/09木


22:00 2017/02/10金


21:37 2017/02/11土

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
NM, has been the principal developer of active denial technology. Known worldwide as a leader in directed energy technology development, the AFRL Directed Energy Division
conceived the design to weaponize millimeter waves as a non-lethal directed energy
weapon into a configuration that would be militarily useful. For System 1, the substantial
technical challenge was integrating all the technology components needed to mount a
self-contained, millimeter wave system onto the Humvee platform. System 0 had a total
volume of 1,280 cubic feet and a weight of 16,500 lbs. To integrate the technology on the
Humvee, system components had to be scaled down to a volume of 190 cubic feet and a
maximum weight of roughly 6,000 lbs. Major technical challenges included development
of self-contained power generation and a system to reduce the considerable heat
generated by system components.

20:32 2017/02/12日


21:36 2017/02/13月


17:49 2017/02/14火