Human Effects Research
ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。
21:54 2017/03/12日
21:54 2017/03/13月
Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳
1 か月前