Within Temptation - Covered By Roses (lyric video)

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  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - 3月27日、250を投稿しました。Googleだけでは検索に載らないため他に有料ブログnaritaetukohonnyaku.comを作り同じ投稿をしています。日本のブログにも同様に投稿しています。金次第か?と思いはしますが。今日はNetにはつながっています、しかしGoogleのサイト以外にはつながらず、他の二つ...
    1 週間前
  • Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳 - XⅢ ここに僕が当時書いた手紙からの抜粋がある。僕は場所の名前を復元した、僕達はそれに触れることを禁じられた:ー 5月21日、1915。ラ・ブアスと呼ばれた石炭‐採掘村の兵士宿舎に戻る。それは前線から3マイル以上はないが、坑夫は今なお働いている。僕達が塹壕から遠のくにつれ...
    1 週間前



Amami Yuki「オケピ」



22:14 2017/03/31金


Reflective Reaction2翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


20:32 2017/03/25土


22:04 2017/03/26日

20:32 2017/03/27月


21:32 2017/03/28火

Reflexive Reaction.

Because the ADS beam does not affect cellular structure, the sensation of heat ends when exposure to the beam ends. The reason the sensation is more
intense is that most of the energy of the beam is deposited on the surface of the skin,
where it excites nociceptors. Cutaneous nociceptors have two interesting properties: they
are highly sensitive to a threatening stimulus (though not to normal stimuli), and they
trigger a reflex. Thus, heating of the skin by an ADS beam creates an intolerable
sensation and reflexive movement to end the discomfort?ducking and running, for


14:48 2017/03/29水


14:55 2017/03/30木


Reflexive Reaction1翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


20:32 2017/03/25土


22:04 2017/03/26日

20:32 2017/03/27月


21:32 2017/03/28火

Reflexive Reaction.

Because the ADS beam does not affect cellular structure, the sensation of heat ends when exposure to the beam ends. The reason the sensation is more
intense is that most of the energy of the beam is deposited on the surface of the skin,
where it excites nociceptors. Cutaneous nociceptors have two interesting properties: they
are highly sensitive to a threatening stimulus (though not to normal stimuli), and they
trigger a reflex. Thus, heating of the skin by an ADS beam creates an intolerable
sensation and reflexive movement to end the discomfort?ducking and running, for

14:48 2017/03/29水


Human Effects Research17翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


20:32 2017/03/25土


22:04 2017/03/26日

20:32 2017/03/27月


21:32 2017/03/28火


Human Effects Research16翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


20:32 2017/03/25土


22:04 2017/03/26日


20:32 2017/03/27月


Human Effects Research15翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


20:32 2017/03/25土


22:04 2017/03/26日


Human Effects Research14翻訳

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


20:32 2017/03/25土


Human Effects Research13翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With
the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


22:13 2017/03/24金


Human Effects Research12翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水

With blunt impact, non-lethal weapons, such as bean bag rounds, the gender, weight, condition, and overall physical health of the targeted individual can be factors in
determining both the non-lethal weapon’s effectiveness and the likelihood of injury. With
the millimeter wave beam, the instinctive repel response is universal; all individuals, no
matter their physical characteristics, react to move away from the beam in roughly the
same response time. Furthermore, as will be discussed more fully below, experience and
test results so far have shown the risk of injury to be extremely remote independent of an
individual’s physical characteristics.

22:00 2017/03/23木


Human Effects Research11翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


20:31 2017/03/22水


Human Effects Research10翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19日


21:20 2017/03/20月


20:34 2017/03/21火


Human Effects Research9翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19月


21:20 2017/03/20火


Human Effects Research8翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


21:11 2017/03/19月


Human Effects Research7翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金

Basic Science.
At 95GHz, the ADS energy is non-ionizing, meaning that the millimeter waves do not have enough photonic energy to affect cellular structure. The energy reaches a skin depth of 1/64th inch, raising the skin’s temperature in a manner similar to the infrared energy from the sun. The ADS heating sensation is intense, but it does not produce a burn; the sensation ends when exposure to the beam ends. The increase in skin temperature triggers nociceptors, which are nerve endings in the skin that are thermal sensitive. This sudden exposure to the nerve endings evokes the temporary, intolerable heating sensation and instinctive human escape response.

21:18 2017/03/18土


Human Effects Research6翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


20:59 2017/03/17金


Human Effects Research5翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水

The ADS research program emphasized four major areas: 1) understanding the basic
science and physiology of millimeter wave interactions with the human body, 2)
evaluating specific effects on skin, 3) evaluating specific effects on the eyes, and 4)
determining the risk of cancer. Other areas of interest, such as risk to reproductive
organs, were also studied.
ADS(放射性否認システム)調査プログラムは、四つの主要な分野を強調する。1)基礎科学や人体とのmm波の関係の生理現象を理解する事、 2)皮膚における特定の影響を査定する事3)

22:28 2017/03/16木


Human Effects Research4翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


20:52 2017/03/15水


Human Effects Research3翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioeffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月

1993年以来、 テキサス州サンアントニオBrooks City BaseにおけるARL人間効果庁の管理されたエナジ一生体効果部門は、人体を使ったmm波の相互作用を調べて来た。

20:41 2017/03/14火


Human Effects Research2翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


21:54 2017/03/13月


Human Effects Research1翻訳

Human Effects Research

ADS human effects testing has been extensive. Over the last 12 years, significant
resources have been invested in understanding the interaction and effects of millimeter
wave energy on a human subject. Since 1993, the Directed Energy Bioffects Division of
the ARL Human Effectiveness Directorate at Brooks City-Base, San Antonio, TX, has
comprehensively examined the interaction of millimeter waves with the human body. The
objective was to study the effectiveness and understand the risk and safety margins
associated with the use of this technology as a non-lethal, counter-personnel weapon.
ADS(放射性否認システム) 人間効果テスト(人体実験)は広範に亘った。

21:54 2017/03/12日


Initial System Configurations37翻訳

Initial System Configurations

The first ADS configuration consisted of a conex shipping container housing the
necessary components, with the antenna mounted on the roof. This system, known simply
as System 0, allowed for proof of concept testing that led to the ADS Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD). For demonstration and warfighter assessment
purposes, the ADS ACTD first integrated the millimeter wave beam into a hybrid-electric
version of the Highly Mobile Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), popularly known as a
“Humvee.” This technology demonstrator, referred to as System 1, is shown in figure 2.


22:35 2017/02/03金


23:16 2017/02/04土


22:49 2017/02/05日


21:56 2017/02/06月

The ADS ACTD and System 1 configuration were conceived prior to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. Recognizing the potential applications of this technology in
complex operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense provided additional funding
to the ADS ACTD to build System 2, which is armored, environmentally sealed, and
designed to operate between 0 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. System 2 is a containerized
design composed of two boxes that can be transported by, or operated from, a variety of tactical trucks. One box contains the components necessary to produce the directed
energy beam. The second box is a self-contained power generator unit and operator station.

22:20 2017/02/07火


20:33 2017/02/08水


21:39 2017/02/09木


22:00 2017/02/10金


21:37 2017/02/11土

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
NM, has been the principal developer of active denial technology. Known worldwide as a leader in directed energy technology development, the AFRL Directed Energy Division
conceived the design to weaponize millimeter waves as a non-lethal directed energy
weapon into a configuration that would be militarily useful. For System 1, the substantial
technical challenge was integrating all the technology components needed to mount a
self-contained, millimeter wave system onto the Humvee platform. System 0 had a total
volume of 1,280 cubic feet and a weight of 16,500 lbs. To integrate the technology on the
Humvee, system components had to be scaled down to a volume of 190 cubic feet and a
maximum weight of roughly 6,000 lbs. Major technical challenges included development
of self-contained power generation and a system to reduce the considerable heat
generated by system components.

20:32 2017/02/12日


21:36 2017/02/13月


17:49 2017/02/14火

システム0は。1,280立方フィ一トウの全容積、16,50パウンド22:04 2017/02/16ゥの重量があった。

21:37 2017/02/15水


22:04 2017/02/16木


21:34 2017/02/17金

Power Generation. The production of millimeter waves requires the conversion of
electrical energy to millimeter wave energy. To generate millimeter wave energy that
reaches tactically significant ranges (on the order of hundreds of meters), a substantial
amount of electrical energy is needed by the millimeter wave source. A Humvee with a
hybrid electric power plant, using a combination of lithium ion batteries and a diesel
generator, was chosen as the optimum method for generating and storing the required
electric energy in the constrained space of the Humvee.
20:22 2017/02/18土


20:41 2017/02/19日


20:37 2017/02/20月

A primary challenge for System 1 developers was producing a millimeter wave source that was efficient and generated sufficient power to be effective at the required distances.
A vacuum tube device called a gyrotron, which is commonly used in high-power radio frequency applications, was selected. The source developed for ADS achieved record
breaking levels of power conversion efficiency for this type of device-in excess of 50 percent-and output power levels of approximately 100 kilowatts. To help achieve this
efficiency, it was necessary to produce very high magnetic fields around the gyrotron,
which was done with a superconducting magnet operating at approximately degrees
Kelvin. This was achieved with a liquid helium cryocompressor instead of surrounding
the magnet in liquid cryogens, which would have made the system nearly impractical for
field applications. Even with the gyrotron‘s high efficiency, nearly half of its input power
had to be dissipated. This was accomplished in the Humvee with extensive use of liquid
cooling loops, radiators and fans.

21:12 2017/02/21火


21:18 2017/02/22水


21:22 2017/02/23木


20:56 2017/02/24金


21:17 2017/02/25土

20:32 2017/02/26日


16:40 2017/02/27月


16:45 2017/02/28火


21:02 2017/03/02水


21:06 2017/03/02木

System Operation. Figure 3 depicts the main components of the ADS. The system works
as follows. The Humvee’s hybrid-electric power plant is the prime power source for the
entire system, including the gyrotron. The gyrotron’s millimeter wave output is sent
through a beam conditioner system that focuses the waves into a beam and carefully
steers it to a small subreflector plate in front of the main antenna. The subreflector then
broadens the beam to evenly illuminate the main antenna reflector array, which then
sends the millimeter wave beam down range. The antenna is made up of 25 separate
subreflectors, each of which affects the beam differently; together they produce a nearly
constant beam diameter down to the maximum effective range. A video camera for day
operations and an infrared camera for night operations allow the system operator in the
Humvee to aim and fire the system using a joystick, while seeing exactly where the
millimeter waves are directed and the reactions of the human targets on the display panel.
Concerns that a human target could accidentally be overexposed are mitigated by the fact
that the beam is turned off immediately by releasing the trigger or at the expiration of a
preset time. Through the use of a laser range finder, the output power level can be
adjusted for different ranges to ensure safety parameters are not exceeded. Integrating
these components into the Humvee was a significant technological achievement.

21:02 2017/03/01水


21:06 2017/03/02木


20:53 2017/03/03金


20:33 2017/03/04土


20:45 2017/03/05日


16:12 2017/03/06月


16:12 2017/03/07火


21:08 2017/03/08水


22:04 2017/03/09木


22:22 2017/03/10金


21:20 2017/03/11土


Initial System Configurations36翻訳

Initial System Configurations

The first ADS configuration consisted of a conex shipping container housing the
necessary components, with the antenna mounted on the roof. This system, known simply
as System 0, allowed for proof of concept testing that led to the ADS Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD). For demonstration and warfighter assessment
purposes, the ADS ACTD first integrated the millimeter wave beam into a hybrid-electric
version of the Highly Mobile Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), popularly known as a
“Humvee.” This technology demonstrator, referred to as System 1, is shown in figure 2.

22:35 2017/02/03金


23:16 2017/02/04土


22:49 2017/02/05日


21:56 2017/02/06月

The ADS ACTD and System 1 configuration were conceived prior to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. Recognizing the potential applications of this technology in
complex operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense provided additional funding
to the ADS ACTD to build System 2, which is armored, environmentally sealed, and
designed to operate between 0 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. System 2 is a containerized
design composed of two boxes that can be transported by, or operated from, a variety of tactical trucks. One box contains the components necessary to produce the directed
energy beam. The second box is a self-contained power generator unit and operator station.

22:20 2017/02/07火


20:33 2017/02/08水


21:39 2017/02/09木


22:00 2017/02/10金


21:37 2017/02/11土

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
NM, has been the principal developer of active denial technology. Known worldwide as a leader in directed energy technology development, the AFRL Directed Energy Division
conceived the design to weaponize millimeter waves as a non-lethal directed energy
weapon into a configuration that would be militarily useful. For System 1, the substantial
technical challenge was integrating all the technology components needed to mount a
self-contained, millimeter wave system onto the Humvee platform. System 0 had a total
volume of 1,280 cubic feet and a weight of 16,500 lbs. To integrate the technology on the
Humvee, system components had to be scaled down to a volume of 190 cubic feet and a
maximum weight of roughly 6,000 lbs. Major technical challenges included development
of self-contained power generation and a system to reduce the considerable heat
generated by system components.

20:32 2017/02/12日


21:36 2017/02/13月


17:49 2017/02/14火

システム0は。1,280立方フィ一トウの全容積、16,50パウンド22:04 2017/02/16ゥの重量があった。

21:37 2017/02/15水


22:04 2017/02/16木


21:34 2017/02/17金

Power Generation. The production of millimeter waves requires the conversion of
electrical energy to millimeter wave energy. To generate millimeter wave energy that
reaches tactically significant ranges (on the order of hundreds of meters), a substantial
amount of electrical energy is needed by the millimeter wave source. A Humvee with a
hybrid electric power plant, using a combination of lithium ion batteries and a diesel
generator, was chosen as the optimum method for generating and storing the required
electric energy in the constrained space of the Humvee.
20:22 2017/02/18土


20:41 2017/02/19日


20:37 2017/02/20月

A primary challenge for System 1 developers was producing a millimeter wave source that was efficient and generated sufficient power to be effective at the required distances.
A vacuum tube device called a gyrotron, which is commonly used in high-power radio frequency applications, was selected. The source developed for ADS achieved record
breaking levels of power conversion efficiency for this type of device-in excess of 50 percent-and output power levels of approximately 100 kilowatts. To help achieve this
efficiency, it was necessary to produce very high magnetic fields around the gyrotron,
which was done with a superconducting magnet operating at approximately degrees
Kelvin. This was achieved with a liquid helium cryocompressor instead of surrounding
the magnet in liquid cryogens, which would have made the system nearly impractical for
field applications. Even with the gyrotron‘s high efficiency, nearly half of its input power
had to be dissipated. This was accomplished in the Humvee with extensive use of liquid
cooling loops, radiators and fans.

21:12 2017/02/21火


21:18 2017/02/22水


21:22 2017/02/23木


20:56 2017/02/24金


21:17 2017/02/25土

20:32 2017/02/26日


16:40 2017/02/27月


16:45 2017/02/28火


21:02 2017/03/02水


21:06 2017/03/02木

System Operation. Figure 3 depicts the main components of the ADS. The system works
as follows. The Humvee’s hybrid-electric power plant is the prime power source for the
entire system, including the gyrotron. The gyrotron’s millimeter wave output is sent
through a beam conditioner system that focuses the waves into a beam and carefully
steers it to a small subreflector plate in front of the main antenna. The subreflector then
broadens the beam to evenly illuminate the main antenna reflector array, which then
sends the millimeter wave beam down range. The antenna is made up of 25 separate
subreflectors, each of which affects the beam differently; together they produce a nearly
constant beam diameter down to the maximum effective range. A video camera for day
operations and an infrared camera for night operations allow the system operator in the
Humvee to aim and fire the system using a joystick, while seeing exactly where the
millimeter waves are directed and the reactions of the human targets on the display panel.
Concerns that a human target could accidentally be overexposed are mitigated by the fact
that the beam is turned off immediately by releasing the trigger or at the expiration of a
preset time. Through the use of a laser range finder, the output power level can be
adjusted for different ranges to ensure safety parameters are not exceeded. Integrating
these components into the Humvee was a significant technological achievement.

21:02 2017/03/01水


21:06 2017/03/02木


20:53 2017/03/03金


20:33 2017/03/04土


20:45 2017/03/05日


16:12 2017/03/06月


16:12 2017/03/07火


21:08 2017/03/08水


22:04 2017/03/09木


22:22 2017/03/10金


Initiial System Configurations35翻訳

Initial System Configurations

The first ADS configuration consisted of a conex shipping container housing the
necessary components, with the antenna mounted on the roof. This system, known simply
as System 0, allowed for proof of concept testing that led to the ADS Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD). For demonstration and warfighter assessment
purposes, the ADS ACTD first integrated the millimeter wave beam into a hybrid-electric
version of the Highly Mobile Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), popularly known as a
“Humvee.” This technology demonstrator, referred to as System 1, is shown in figure 2.


22:35 2017/02/03金


23:16 2017/02/04土


22:49 2017/02/05日


21:56 2017/02/06月

The ADS ACTD and System 1 configuration were conceived prior to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. Recognizing the potential applications of this technology in
complex operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense provided additional funding
to the ADS ACTD to build System 2, which is armored, environmentally sealed, and
designed to operate between 0 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. System 2 is a containerized
design composed of two boxes that can be transported by, or operated from, a variety of tactical trucks. One box contains the components necessary to produce the directed
energy beam. The second box is a self-contained power generator unit and operator station.

22:20 2017/02/07火


20:33 2017/02/08水


21:39 2017/02/09木


22:00 2017/02/10金


21:37 2017/02/11土

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
NM, has been the principal developer of active denial technology. Known worldwide as a leader in directed energy technology development, the AFRL Directed Energy Division
conceived the design to weaponize millimeter waves as a non-lethal directed energy
weapon into a configuration that would be militarily useful. For System 1, the substantial
technical challenge was integrating all the technology components needed to mount a
self-contained, millimeter wave system onto the Humvee platform. System 0 had a total
volume of 1,280 cubic feet and a weight of 16,500 lbs. To integrate the technology on the
Humvee, system components had to be scaled down to a volume of 190 cubic feet and a
maximum weight of roughly 6,000 lbs. Major technical challenges included development
of self-contained power generation and a system to reduce the considerable heat
generated by system components.

20:32 2017/02/12日


21:36 2017/02/13月


17:49 2017/02/14火

システム0は。1,280立方フィ一トウの全容積、16,50パウンド22:04 2017/02/16ゥの重量があった。

21:37 2017/02/15水


22:04 2017/02/16木


21:34 2017/02/17金

Power Generation. The production of millimeter waves requires the conversion of
electrical energy to millimeter wave energy. To generate millimeter wave energy that
reaches tactically significant ranges (on the order of hundreds of meters), a substantial
amount of electrical energy is needed by the millimeter wave source. A Humvee with a
hybrid electric power plant, using a combination of lithium ion batteries and a diesel
generator, was chosen as the optimum method for generating and storing the required
electric energy in the constrained space of the Humvee.
20:22 2017/02/18土


20:41 2017/02/19日


20:37 2017/02/20月

A primary challenge for System 1 developers was producing a millimeter wave source that was efficient and generated sufficient power to be effective at the required distances.
A vacuum tube device called a gyrotron, which is commonly used in high-power radio frequency applications, was selected. The source developed for ADS achieved record
breaking levels of power conversion efficiency for this type of device-in excess of 50 percent-and output power levels of approximately 100 kilowatts. To help achieve this
efficiency, it was necessary to produce very high magnetic fields around the gyrotron,
which was done with a superconducting magnet operating at approximately degrees
Kelvin. This was achieved with a liquid helium cryocompressor instead of surrounding
the magnet in liquid cryogens, which would have made the system nearly impractical for
field applications. Even with the gyrotron‘s high efficiency, nearly half of its input power
had to be dissipated. This was accomplished in the Humvee with extensive use of liquid
cooling loops, radiators and fans.

21:12 2017/02/21火


21:18 2017/02/22水


21:22 2017/02/23木


20:56 2017/02/24金


21:17 2017/02/25土

20:32 2017/02/26日


16:40 2017/02/27月


16:45 2017/02/28火


21:02 2017/03/02水


21:06 2017/03/02木

System Operation. Figure 3 depicts the main components of the ADS. The system works
as follows. The Humvee’s hybrid-electric power plant is the prime power source for the
entire system, including the gyrotron. The gyrotron’s millimeter wave output is sent
through a beam conditioner system that focuses the waves into a beam and carefully
steers it to a small subreflector plate in front of the main antenna. The subreflector then
broadens the beam to evenly illuminate the main antenna reflector array, which then
sends the millimeter wave beam down range. The antenna is made up of 25 separate
subreflectors, each of which affects the beam differently; together they produce a nearly
constant beam diameter down to the maximum effective range. A video camera for day
operations and an infrared camera for night operations allow the system operator in the
Humvee to aim and fire the system using a joystick, while seeing exactly where the
millimeter waves are directed and the reactions of the human targets on the display panel.
Concerns that a human target could accidentally be overexposed are mitigated by the fact
that the beam is turned off immediately by releasing the trigger or at the expiration of a
preset time. Through the use of a laser range finder, the output power level can be
adjusted for different ranges to ensure safety parameters are not exceeded. Integrating
these components into the Humvee was a significant technological achievement.

21:02 2017/03/01水


21:06 2017/03/02木


20:53 2017/03/03金


20:33 2017/03/04土


20:45 2017/03/05日


16:12 2017/03/06月


16:12 2017/03/07火


21:08 2017/03/08水


22:04 2017/03/09木


Initial System Configurations34翻訳

Initial System Configurations

The first ADS configuration consisted of a conex shipping container housing the
necessary components, with the antenna mounted on the roof. This system, known simply
as System 0, allowed for proof of concept testing that led to the ADS Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD). For demonstration and warfighter assessment
purposes, the ADS ACTD first integrated the millimeter wave beam into a hybrid-electric
version of the Highly Mobile Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), popularly known as a
“Humvee.” This technology demonstrator, referred to as System 1, is shown in figure 2.


22:35 2017/02/03金


23:16 2017/02/04土


22:49 2017/02/05日


21:56 2017/02/06月

The ADS ACTD and System 1 configuration were conceived prior to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. Recognizing the potential applications of this technology in
complex operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense provided additional funding
to the ADS ACTD to build System 2, which is armored, environmentally sealed, and
designed to operate between 0 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. System 2 is a containerized
design composed of two boxes that can be transported by, or operated from, a variety of tactical trucks. One box contains the components necessary to produce the directed
energy beam. The second box is a self-contained power generator unit and operator station.

22:20 2017/02/07火


20:33 2017/02/08水


21:39 2017/02/09木


22:00 2017/02/10金


21:37 2017/02/11土

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
NM, has been the principal developer of active denial technology. Known worldwide as a leader in directed energy technology development, the AFRL Directed Energy Division
conceived the design to weaponize millimeter waves as a non-lethal directed energy
weapon into a configuration that would be militarily useful. For System 1, the substantial
technical challenge was integrating all the technology components needed to mount a
self-contained, millimeter wave system onto the Humvee platform. System 0 had a total
volume of 1,280 cubic feet and a weight of 16,500 lbs. To integrate the technology on the
Humvee, system components had to be scaled down to a volume of 190 cubic feet and a
maximum weight of roughly 6,000 lbs. Major technical challenges included development
of self-contained power generation and a system to reduce the considerable heat
generated by system components.

20:32 2017/02/12日


21:36 2017/02/13月


17:49 2017/02/14火

システム0は。1,280立方フィ一トウの全容積、16,50パウンド22:04 2017/02/16ゥの重量があった。

21:37 2017/02/15水


22:04 2017/02/16木


21:34 2017/02/17金

Power Generation. The production of millimeter waves requires the conversion of
electrical energy to millimeter wave energy. To generate millimeter wave energy that
reaches tactically significant ranges (on the order of hundreds of meters), a substantial
amount of electrical energy is needed by the millimeter wave source. A Humvee with a
hybrid electric power plant, using a combination of lithium ion batteries and a diesel
generator, was chosen as the optimum method for generating and storing the required
electric energy in the constrained space of the Humvee.
20:22 2017/02/18土


20:41 2017/02/19日


20:37 2017/02/20月

A primary challenge for System 1 developers was producing a millimeter wave source that was efficient and generated sufficient power to be effective at the required distances.
A vacuum tube device called a gyrotron, which is commonly used in high-power radio frequency applications, was selected. The source developed for ADS achieved record
breaking levels of power conversion efficiency for this type of device-in excess of 50 percent-and output power levels of approximately 100 kilowatts. To help achieve this
efficiency, it was necessary to produce very high magnetic fields around the gyrotron,
which was done with a superconducting magnet operating at approximately degrees
Kelvin. This was achieved with a liquid helium cryocompressor instead of surrounding
the magnet in liquid cryogens, which would have made the system nearly impractical for
field applications. Even with the gyrotron‘s high efficiency, nearly half of its input power
had to be dissipated. This was accomplished in the Humvee with extensive use of liquid
cooling loops, radiators and fans.

21:12 2017/02/21火


21:18 2017/02/22水


21:22 2017/02/23木


20:56 2017/02/24金


21:17 2017/02/25土

20:32 2017/02/26日


16:40 2017/02/27月


16:45 2017/02/28火


21:02 2017/03/02水


21:06 2017/03/02木

System Operation. Figure 3 depicts the main components of the ADS. The system works
as follows. The Humvee’s hybrid-electric power plant is the prime power source for the
entire system, including the gyrotron. The gyrotron’s millimeter wave output is sent
through a beam conditioner system that focuses the waves into a beam and carefully
steers it to a small subreflector plate in front of the main antenna. The subreflector then
broadens the beam to evenly illuminate the main antenna reflector array, which then
sends the millimeter wave beam down range. The antenna is made up of 25 separate
subreflectors, each of which affects the beam differently; together they produce a nearly
constant beam diameter down to the maximum effective range. A video camera for day
operations and an infrared camera for night operations allow the system operator in the
Humvee to aim and fire the system using a joystick, while seeing exactly where the
millimeter waves are directed and the reactions of the human targets on the display panel.
Concerns that a human target could accidentally be overexposed are mitigated by the fact
that the beam is turned off immediately by releasing the trigger or at the expiration of a
preset time. Through the use of a laser range finder, the output power level can be
adjusted for different ranges to ensure safety parameters are not exceeded. Integrating
these components into the Humvee was a significant technological achievement.

21:02 2017/03/01水


21:06 2017/03/02木


20:53 2017/03/03金


20:33 2017/03/04土


20:45 2017/03/05日


16:12 2017/03/06月


16:12 2017/03/07火


21:08 2017/03/08水


Initial System Configurations 33翻訳

Initial System Configurations

The first ADS configuration consisted of a conex shipping container housing the
necessary components, with the antenna mounted on the roof. This system, known simply
as System 0, allowed for proof of concept testing that led to the ADS Advanced Concept
Technology Demonstration (ACTD). For demonstration and warfighter assessment
purposes, the ADS ACTD first integrated the millimeter wave beam into a hybrid-electric
version of the Highly Mobile Multi-Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), popularly known as a
“Humvee.” This technology demonstrator, referred to as System 1, is shown in figure 2.


22:35 2017/02/03金


23:16 2017/02/04土


22:49 2017/02/05日


21:56 2017/02/06月

The ADS ACTD and System 1 configuration were conceived prior to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. Recognizing the potential applications of this technology in
complex operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense provided additional funding
to the ADS ACTD to build System 2, which is armored, environmentally sealed, and
designed to operate between 0 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. System 2 is a containerized
design composed of two boxes that can be transported by, or operated from, a variety of tactical trucks. One box contains the components necessary to produce the directed
energy beam. The second box is a self-contained power generator unit and operator station.

22:20 2017/02/07火


20:33 2017/02/08水


21:39 2017/02/09木


22:00 2017/02/10金


21:37 2017/02/11土

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque,
NM, has been the principal developer of active denial technology. Known worldwide as a leader in directed energy technology development, the AFRL Directed Energy Division
conceived the design to weaponize millimeter waves as a non-lethal directed energy
weapon into a configuration that would be militarily useful. For System 1, the substantial
technical challenge was integrating all the technology components needed to mount a
self-contained, millimeter wave system onto the Humvee platform. System 0 had a total
volume of 1,280 cubic feet and a weight of 16,500 lbs. To integrate the technology on the
Humvee, system components had to be scaled down to a volume of 190 cubic feet and a
maximum weight of roughly 6,000 lbs. Major technical challenges included development
of self-contained power generation and a system to reduce the considerable heat
generated by system components.

20:32 2017/02/12日


21:36 2017/02/13月


17:49 2017/02/14火

システム0は。1,280立方フィ一トウの全容積、16,50パウンド22:04 2017/02/16ゥの重量があった。

21:37 2017/02/15水


22:04 2017/02/16木


21:34 2017/02/17金

Power Generation. The production of millimeter waves requires the conversion of
electrical energy to millimeter wave energy. To generate millimeter wave energy that
reaches tactically significant ranges (on the order of hundreds of meters), a substantial
amount of electrical energy is needed by the millimeter wave source. A Humvee with a
hybrid electric power plant, using a combination of lithium ion batteries and a diesel
generator, was chosen as the optimum method for generating and storing the required
electric energy in the constrained space of the Humvee.
20:22 2017/02/18土


20:41 2017/02/19日


20:37 2017/02/20月

A primary challenge for System 1 developers was producing a millimeter wave source that was efficient and generated sufficient power to be effective at the required distances.
A vacuum tube device called a gyrotron, which is commonly used in high-power radio frequency applications, was selected. The source developed for ADS achieved record
breaking levels of power conversion efficiency for this type of device-in excess of 50 percent-and output power levels of approximately 100 kilowatts. To help achieve this
efficiency, it was necessary to produce very high magnetic fields around the gyrotron,
which was done with a superconducting magnet operating at approximately degrees
Kelvin. This was achieved with a liquid helium cryocompressor instead of surrounding
the magnet in liquid cryogens, which would have made the system nearly impractical for
field applications. Even with the gyrotron‘s high efficiency, nearly half of its input power
had to be dissipated. This was accomplished in the Humvee with extensive use of liquid
cooling loops, radiators and fans.

21:12 2017/02/21火


21:18 2017/02/22水


21:22 2017/02/23木


20:56 2017/02/24金


21:17 2017/02/25土

20:32 2017/02/26日


16:40 2017/02/27月


16:45 2017/02/28火


21:02 2017/03/02水


21:06 2017/03/02木

System Operation. Figure 3 depicts the main components of the ADS. The system works
as follows. The Humvee’s hybrid-electric power plant is the prime power source for the
entire system, including the gyrotron. The gyrotron’s millimeter wave output is sent
through a beam conditioner system that focuses the waves into a beam and carefully
steers it to a small subreflector plate in front of the main antenna. The subreflector then
broadens the beam to evenly illuminate the main antenna reflector array, which then
sends the millimeter wave beam down range. The antenna is made up of 25 separate
subreflectors, each of which affects the beam differently; together they produce a nearly
constant beam diameter down to the maximum effective range. A video camera for day
operations and an infrared camera for night operations allow the system operator in the
Humvee to aim and fire the system using a joystick, while seeing exactly where the
millimeter waves are directed and the reactions of the human targets on the display panel.
Concerns that a human target could accidentally be overexposed are mitigated by the fact
that the beam is turned off immediately by releasing the trigger or at the expiration of a
preset time. Through the use of a laser range finder, the output power level can be
adjusted for different ranges to ensure safety parameters are not exceeded. Integrating
these components into the Humvee was a significant technological achievement.

21:02 2017/03/01水


21:06 2017/03/02木


20:53 2017/03/03金


20:33 2017/03/04土


20:45 2017/03/05日


16:12 2017/03/06月


16:12 2017/03/07火