The Active Denial System - Defense Technical Information Cente
Since the end of the Cold War, U.S. Armed Forces have participated in many operations
that combine military operations against combatants in situations where the civilian
population is at risk. Such complex operations, as they are now called, necessarily place
troops in close contact with local civilians―and sometimes in confrontations that lead to
violence. Use of force against civilians can create local tensions that undermine efforts to
rebuild a society and, thanks to the globalization of communications, widespread
condemnation that can jeopardize the entire mission.
20:29 2016/11/29火
20:42 2016/12/30水
21:11 2016/12/01木
Non-lethal weapons provide an additional set of tools for our troops engaged in complex
operations. Research efforts to advance the types and efficacy of non-lethal weapons
available to our warfighters is producing novel capabilities. One such capability is the
Active Denial System (ADS). ADS can provide our troops a capability they currently do
not have, the ability to reach out and engage potential adversaries at distances well
beyond small arms range, and in a safe, effective, and non-lethal manner. The ADS can
immediately compel an individual to cease threatening behavior or depart through
application of a directed energy beam that provides a sensation of intense heat on the
surface of the skin. The effect is overwhelming, causing an immediate repel response by the targeted individual. The vignettes below illustrate two of many possible applications.
21:30 2016/12/02金
20:23 2016/12/03土
20:43 2016/12/04日
21:24 2016/12/05月
21:38 2016/12/06火
21:28 2016/12/07水
21:32 2016/12/08木
A soldier is manning a checkpoint, guarding an important facility. She notices a group of
people approaching her position. The group appears agitated and threatening. Or is it?
The soldier tries to decide as the group nears. There are women and children in the group,
as well as several men yelling something in a language the soldier does not understand.
Through a loudspeaker the soldier warns the group that they are approaching a restricted
area. She tells them to halt. They keep coming. Are they ignoring the warning? Or did
they not understand it? They are almost on her. She may have to use lethal force.
21:39 2016/12/09金
21:41 2016/12/10土
21:02 2016/12/11日
Good-bye to All That Robert Graves 成田悦子訳
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